
Zhongqian Li

project skill life relative-link

I am a third year student at UCSD pursuing degree in Math-CS. Motivated, hardworking and reliable fast learner. I am interested in Game Design, Machine Learning, Human-computer Interaction and Data Science. Pursuing opportunities to achieve advanced guidance in these fields.

Projects Done

Project In Progress

The development of FlapJS, an online tool to build, simulate, and test automata and other formal models of computation. This student-built product is being piloted for use by CSE105 students. The Project is supervised by Professor Mia Minnes. And you can try the app out here.


Personal Life


I love watching movies in the theater, reading fictions, listening to pop music, and playing video games. Hard to believe based on my size, but I am a Taekwondo red-black belt owner and a nation-certified level two referee of Chinese traditional martial arts.

